采用标准  Reference Standard

GB 10190(IEC384-16)

结构  Structures


Material: Polypropylene film


Electrode: Metallized Vacuum Evaporated Layer

封装: PET胶带包裹;两端阻燃环氧树脂封装。符合UL94 V-0

Encapsulation : Wrap up with PET tape and Encapsulated with passive flammability epoxy resin

形状: 圆柱形或椭圆柱形。 Shape: Cylinder or Elliptic

引脚: 镀锡铜包钢线(CP线)或电子线。

Pin: cp Leads  or  PVC Electronic Tread

典型应用:  Using area

滤波及脉冲大电流场合。如: 功放、焊机等

In Heavy Current such as Filtering and Impulse,e,g,Power Amplifiers and welder Machines etc

特点: Features


Small Size with good self-healing effect , Very low loss at high frequency could bear the high currents’ impactive. Have well voltage proof featutes under the high frequency AC current.

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